Resistance Bands: What They Are And How To Use Them

You’ve likely crossed paths with a resistance band along your fitness or rehabilitation journey. While they look like a simple piece of latex, they come jam-packed with a full range of benefits. Resistance bands work by adding an external resistance force that can be applied without having to hold extra weight. When they are anchored in place, you can push, pull, curl, etc. against the rubbers resistance. Resistance bands are available in light, medium, heavy and extra heavy thicknesses, Dr. Brian recommends the medium resistance band to patients who need to strengthen a particular part of their body. We give an instruction sheet when the shoulder needs rehabilitation. These are easy exercises that can be done at home.

Two of the exercises for the shoulder are Standing or Side lying (Outward) External Rotation: Step 1: Securely tie one end of your resistance band to the door knob of a closed door. While standing sideways next to the door hold the band with your hand away from the door. Tuck a rolled towel under your elbow. This reminds you to keep your elbow in and gives you better form. Keep your elbow bent and move your lower arm as pictured above at least 45 degrees trying to attain 90 degrees away from your body. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions progressing to 5 sets of 10 repetitions.
It is recommended to do these exercises for both shoulders since they are exercising small and underused muscle groups. If done side lying, lie sideways on a bed, couch or floor, tuck a rolled towel under the arm you are exercising and use a small weight 3 to 5 lbs or a large soup can. Your other hand should be on top of the bed or couch and folded so that you can rest your head on it. Do the same movement as mentioned above for the same amount of repetitions. When you find these exercises become easy adjust the resistance band so you have to pull harder, or add more weight.
The other exercise Dr. recommends is Standing or Side lying (Inward) Internal Rotation. Step 1. With the resistance band secured to a door knob of a closed door. While standing sideways next to the door hold the band with your hand that is nearest the door. Keeping your elbow bent and fixed against your side move your arm from your side inward across your body. Again do 3 sets of 10 repetitions progressing to 5 sets of 10 repetitions. Do these exercises with both arms. If done lying on your back on a bed, couch or floor with your arm against your side and elbow bent to 90 degrees. use a 3 – 5 lbs weight or a large soup can. Keeping the elbow fixed against your side, lower forearm first to comfort then raise forearm to trunk. slowly lower to the starting position and repeat. Start out doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions progressing to 5 sets of 10 repetitions.
When this exercise becomes easy adjust the resistance band so you have to pull harder or add more weight. Using the resistance band in this exercise give you a better stretch and works the muscles more effectively.
Resistance bands can be used to increase your mobility and strength in your legs also. While sitting loop the band around your foot and bring up any slack. Hold tight in both hands and push up and down with your knee flexing. This works your calf, knee and thigh muscles. Be sure to do both legs following the repetitions listed above.
Top 5 Benefits of Resistance Bands
- Effective workout. Using resistance bands as a workout tool enables you to work multiple muscles.
- Suitable for any fitness level. You don’t have to be a pro athlete to use resistance band.
- Cost effective.
- Portable. Resistance bands are light weight which makes them very portable.
- Routine variety.
Resistance bands offer a portable alternative to resistance and weight training. When you don’t have the time or easy access to the gym, a quality set of resistance bands can offer a great workout and a nice change of pace. Lots of people use resistance bands regularly as part of their exercise routine.
Google-resistance band exercises for many more suggestions and benefits gained using them during your exercise routines.
Emergencies happen, but can they be avoided. Most of the time YES.
We often receive calls from patients that are in severe pain from just doing their daily tasks. Bending over to empty the trash can, lifting a large suitcase into the back of their car, just sitting down into their car seat, getting out of bed and twisting wrong or taking their dog on a walk and the pup is pulling on the leash. These are real injuries that cause real pain, but they don’t have to. If people would just think of chiropractic care proactively. When we receive these calls, we do our best to see you as soon as possible. We know you’re in pain and getting quick relief is most important at that moment. Our schedule usually allows us to accommodate your needs. Usually these injuries happen to those patients we don’t see regularly. Regular (usually quarterly) chiropractic adjustments help your body move the way you need it to. Correct spinal alignment prevents nerve interference. In addition, every system in our body works optimally when the nervous system is correctly functioning. When the spine is misaligned, the slightest movement can cause pain and interfere with your activities.
We can’t emphasize enough that it is to your benefit to see us before you are having pain. Pain can be avoided when you receive chiropractic adjustments to keep your spinal alignment instead of coming to us in pain to “fix” your spine. If your last adjustment has been more than 4 months ago, why not give us a call for an appointment today. You and your spine will be happy you did and we will be very happy to see you.
If you are interested in watching either or both of these series, call our office for the username and password to gain access. These are “must see” docu-series.