What Can An Adjustment Do For Your Heart?

A spinal misalignment (vertebral subluxation) will always cause nerve interferences somewhere in the body. With the heart being the most important organ of the body, it is essential that we eliminate all interferences to the heart. Adjustments to the spine may lower blood pressure in individuals suffering from hypertension and provide an overall better heart rate for everyone.
In a study conducted by the Department of Preventive Medicine at Rush University in 2007, realignment of the atlas vertebrae, also known as the C1 vertebrae of the cervical spine, can help to lower systolic blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension. Systolic blood pressure is the topmost number in a blood pressure reading. It’s the pressure felt along the arterial walls when the heart contracts. There appears to be a link between compression of the vertebral artery and an unhealthy elevation in blood pressure. By realigning the C1 vertebrae in the neck, restriction along the arterial wall is relieved and you may experience a decrease in blood pressure.
The same principles apply to the effect that arterial compression within the spine could lead to an elevation in diastolic blood pressure. When the C1 is realigned, the compression is removed from the artery and thereby lowers diastolic blood pressure. When the cervical spine is placed in alignment, the nervous system is allowed to better communicate with the rest of the body. In relation to the heart, the improved communication can help bring your heart rate down to a healthy level.
What is Blood Pressure.
Liquids try to spread out and fill as large an area as gravity will allow it to. This is where blood pressure comes into play. Blood pressure (BP) is how hard your blood is pressing against the blood vessel walls.
For people who have high blood pressure, the blood in their arteries is pushing up against these blood vessel walls too strongly. Your BP is measured in two numbers. The first number is the pressure while the heart beats and is pushing the blood through the body. The second number is the pressure while the heart takes a break between beating. The standard measure is around 120/80 mmHg.
High blood pressure is also often known as hypertension. Some people use the terms interchangeably or to describe the highest level of blood pressure. This is when BP exceeds levels of 140/90 mmHg. The thing about very high blood pressure is it can also depend on the person. Some people just have naturally higher resting blood pressures than others. It’s important to have comparative tests in different situations. Oftentimes, getting your blood pressure tested at the doctor’s office is the worst thing to get an accurate reading on, since people are often quite stressed out while they are there.
High Blood Pressure Symptoms
Often times called “the silent killer” but there are quite a few symptoms that suggest you have very high blood pressure. While these can also be symptoms of other things, when combined together, they paint a picture of what will give you warning signs.
- Fatigue – This can be both physical or mental. Those with high blood pressure may feel confused for no reason.
- Bloody Urine – This is certainly one of the most disturbing of the potential symptoms that you can have. Seeing it is very uncomfortable.
- Pounding Feeling in Chest – This is an uncomfortable feeling like you can feel your heart beating through your chest.
- Vision Issues – High blood pressure can often cause blurred vision.
Testing your blood pressure should ideally be done at a normal time. It should be done when you are not feeling additional mental or physical stresses.
What Causes High Blood Pressure?
There is no concrete singular reason that people get high blood pressure. There is a combination of factors that tends to cause it. People who smoke heavily often have high blood pressure. One of the main causes is often considered to be obesity or overweight. Going hand in hand with that is people who don’t get enough exercise. These two often tend to reinforce each other.
How to Lower Blood Pressure
There are several ways in which you can lower your blood pressure. Many of these have been known for quite a while and some are common sense ideas. Here are some ways you can work on your high blood pressure:
- Exercise – Being active is a great way to help manage things.
- Weight Loss – This can go hand in hand with exercise, but weight loss can also be independent of exercise.
- Diet – Eating healthy foods is always a good way to work on your blood pressure. It’s key to avoid processed foods whenever possible.
- Processed Sodium is Bad – High sodium levels can increase blood pressure, so lowering your processed sodium is a great way to stop it. Processed foods are often loaded with sodium to keep them preserved and packaged. Sometimes we just need a little salt, Dr. Brian recommends Grey Celtic Sea Salt. There are many misconceptions concerning salt. Sea salt has a host of health benefits and is far different from table salt. Sea salt is harvested naturally and is free of additives and preservatives. In addition, it contains a multitude of trace minerals and nutrients the body needs and often doesn’t receive from other sources. Using sea salt in moderation can benefit the skin, regulate blood sugar levels, improve cardiovascular health and ease sore muscles. It can also encourage healthy ph levels in the body and eliminate toxins. Sea salt also can be used externally to protect teeth and slough off dead skin cells. It is recommended to use natural sea salt that has been harvested in a way that does not involve processing. When you find out more about the benefits of sea salt, you will see that it is a far cry from table salt that you have been told to avoid.
- Reduce Alcohol – Another potential danger area is drinking too much alcohol. If can cause more blood pressure issues and thus needs to be limited appropriately.
The best way to control high blood pressure is using natural methods. There are those who need medication, but if high blood pressure can be CURED through life style changes; such as proper diet, exercise and seeing your chiropractor to be sure your nervous system is functioning optimally. Isn’t that better than controlling BP with a medication, which does only that, and in most cases the medication needs to be increased or additional medication prescribed.